Dec 24, 2013

Hate Crimes You Don’t Hear About


Cleveland, Ohio. A white man on a moped accidentally bumped into a truck being driven by a black man. He fell over but was not injured. A crowd of 40 white people pulled the black driver from the truck and brutally beat him. One of them climbed in the truck and ran over the driver, killing him. The crowd cheered.

Jacksonville, Florida. A group of four to six white men agreed that they would brutalize the next black person they saw walking down the street. That person turned out to be a mentally disabled 50-year-old, whom they beat and stomped into unconsciousness. He later died of his injuries.

Are you surprised that you’ve never heard of these sickening murders based on racial hatred? You didn’t see saturation coverage on the news. You didn’t hear politicians decrying racism. You didn’t see a livid Jesse Jackson on CNN. Why? Because these acts of brutality didn’t happen exactly as I described above. Oh, they happened, all right. The only thing is, the races of the attackers and victims were reversed. That is, a white man was beaten and then crushed by a mob of 40 black people who were furious that a black man bumped into his truck.¹ In Jacksonville, it was a gang of black men who stomped a mentally-disabled man to death solely because he was white. . . .

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1 comment:

  1. The hypocrisy that the media and the majority of society itself shows when White people are attacked, and killed by people who's driving motivation was their racial hatred of White people, is disgusting. The media goes out of it's way to make up fake crimes and stories of White racism. All while stepping over the brutalized White bodies, the victims of real racist crimes to do so. It's sad that we have to create our own websites and forums dedicated to spreading awareness of the racial hatred out there that the media both refuses to cover and instigates.

    Thanks for taking the time to put this website together friend. It is greatly appreciated.
