Jan 23, 2014

Negro Who Invaded Elderly White Woman's Home then Beat, Raped, Robbed & Stuffed Her in a Cupboard Has His Time Reduced


. . . Wendell Baker, 56, raped his elderly victim in her bedroom in east London, having tied her hands behind her back with flex and beaten her.

He then ransacked her house and left her trapped in a cupboard after breaking in while she was sleeping in January 1997.

His terrified victim, 66-year-old Hazel Blackwell, was found by her neighbour George Walpole the next evening . . . Read more

1 comment:

  1. In Britain the weak lib-lefties are too frightened to reintroduce the Death Penalty. If it had been then countless whites would not have suffered at the hands of these cowardly black parasites.
