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Both the frequency and severity of black-on-White violent crimes have increased annually, since the end of the Civil War. Following the onset of the so-called "Civil Rights" movement, black-on-White violence has increased exponentially. Department of Justice reports reveal that more than 2 million White Americans are beaten, robbed, raped, or killed every year by non-White perpetrators. They also show that Whites are roughly 40 times more likely to be the victims of interracial violent crimes than the reverse. As it happens, the election (and subsequent re-election) of Barack Obama to the presidency has initiated another escalation in anti-White violent crime. During his tenure, black-on-White crime has not only increased in quantity, but in kind. New types of assaults have developed, such as the "Knockout Game" (sometimes called "Polar Bear Hunting" because the victims are White) and . . . read more

1 comment:

  1. 14 yo black teen with an escalating history of violence kills white man, injures his girlfriend http://articles.philly.com/2011-07-16/news/29780900_1_joyride-fatal-accident-police-custody
