Protests against Obama’s planned dumping of unattended illegal alien
children continue in Murietta, California. This time pro-illegal alien
demonstrators attacked conservative activists while screaming “go back
to Europe.” Several of the illegal alien supporters were arrested.
The Obama regime posted want ads for escorts for unaccompanied
illegal alien children last January on an official Federal government
website. Then the US State Department actively encouraged Latinos in
central America to ship unaccompanied children to the United States
saying they would be granted amnesty.
Studies show that new Latino immigrants vote Democrat at over 80%.
They will also readily vote for extreme far-left/Marxist candidates.
Even in the third generation, Latinos continue voting Democrat by a
large majority. Democrats believe they can alter the political landscape
of the United States forever by importing millions of people who will
vote for the far-left.
I'm so fed up with these mexicans and our treacherous government .