Dec 20, 2013

A Year from Hell: The Truth about Black-on-White Violence in South Africa


This is a summary of the “Black on White” attacks in South-Africa from 1 May 2012 to 30 April 2013 from the Red October archive.

365 Days. 310 Attacks. 473 Victims. 173 Murdered. 22 Raped.

This is the genocide of 4.3million white people in South Africa: this is "the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group" ….yet no one seems to mind it… and it has been ongoing for 20 years:

When the Genocide Convention was passed by the United Nations in 1948, the world said, “Never again.” But the history of the 20th century instead proved that “never again” became “again and again...” and especially in Africa. The promise the United Nations made was broken, as again and again, genocides are killing more people than all the international wars of the 20th century combined! And we in South Africa, also are a people targeted by genocide because of our cultural background.

Sunette Bridges writes:
The 2011 Census determined that there were only 4.3 million white People left in South Africa. We are a minority group that is getting absolutely NO help from the Government or the International Community. Almost 800,000 of our people are currently living in dire poverty in squatter Camps: Eighteen percent of our total population. Our people are being attacked, tortured, raped, maimed, murdered and impoverished on a daily basis. " SA has more than 110 laws created under the current black-majority regime which bar whites from the job market; and even bars businesses from donating money to charities assisting white people. Our farms are being taken in government sanctioned land grabs, our cultural heritage is being eradicated, our statues removed, our monuments neglected, our Afrikaans language sidelined; and even the names given to the towns and cities and streets we had built, are being ethnically-cleansed. We are being wiped off the map of South Africa in a devastating cultural and physical genocide. The government has declared warfare on us because we are whites.

Our president merrily instructs his voters to “Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer!” bring me my machine gun! The cabinet will shoot them...'
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